You can view the list of registered guests and manage their access as required.
To view the list of registered guests, click on "Guests" in the left-side navigation menu.
You will see a list of up to 10 guests per page. The name of each registered guest appears with country data (if available) and the email address used to register. By default, each registered guest has access to attend the live stream, view the recording and download a copy of the recording for higher-quality viewing.
Note: Anonymous Anonymous is an auto-generated guest ID created when the stream was scheduled.
Access to stream indicates whether a guest has permission to view the live stream and recording.
Attend Status indicates whether or not a guest was able to attend the live broadcast.
Download Video indicates whether a guest has permission to download the recording.
Managing access permissions
By default, registered guests have permission to attend the live stream and view and download the recording afterwards.
You may change the access permissions for an individual guest by selecting the box next to that guest's name. By selecting the box at the top (next to "Name"), you can apply the same access permissions to all guests on that page.
Once a box has been selected, a new set of controls will appear at the top of the page (on the right side).
To deny a guest's access to the live stream, click on Reject Stream.
To restore access, click on Access Stream.
To deny a guest's access to view and download the recording, click on Reject Download.
To restore access, click on Access Download.