There are three types of users that can access with a username and password:
1. Funeral Professionals (Directors)
2. Family Administrators (Next of Kin)
3. Funeral Home Administrator (Admin)
1. Funeral Professionals (Directors)
In Foveo, each funeral home (location) has its own unique identity, and users are grouped by location. Funeral directors must sign in to with the username and password that is specific to their location.
Funeral directors who serve in more than one location should be assigned a unique username for each location. We always recommend using a staff member's email address as their username; however, to create a unique username for each location, we suggest adding the first initial of the name of that location (plus a dot) to their email address.
Example: Aaron Jones who serves in the Colesville and Jackson branches of Your Funeral Home was assigned the following two usernames: and
2. Family Administrators (Next of Kin)
When creating a new stream, you will always be asked to create a NEW Family Account (or to find and assign an existing Family Account) for the Next of Kin. You may only designate one person and email address as the Family Account Administrator.
When you Save a new Stream, an email is sent immediately to the Family Admin whom you designated. That email provides them with the personalized link for the guest registration page and their Family Admin username and password. If necessary, you can change a Family Admin's username and password for them (from the Families panel in the left menu).
Note: By signing in to, the Family Admin can: view and download the broadcast recording; review the list of guests; manage privacy settings; upload, review, and manage photos or videos in the gallery, and read, watch, or listen to any messages guests may have left during the live stream.
3. Funeral Home Administrator (Admin)
Signing in to as a Funeral Home Admin provides you the same access as a Director user, but it also gives you access to view and download broadcast recordings, customize the email messages that Foveo sends on behalf of your funeral home, and customize all of the brand experience elements for your funeral home.
Note: If you don't have access to your funeral home's Admin username and password, please Submit a Request above or email us at