A family's gratitude and their perception of the value you provide increases when you can personalize the online experience for their guests.
When booking a live stream, we encourage you to always include the following in the Personalize section (pictured below):
3. Obituary URL
1. Photo of Deceased
The photo you upload will be displayed on the Guest Registration page and on the Memorial Page where the broadcast and recording will be viewed.
You may upload a photo in any of the following file formats: JPG, PNG or TIFF.
Please use the blue EDIT tool that appears after you've uploaded a photo to ensure it is cropped to square format. This will help ensure proper centering of the image and avoid any image skewing. You can also edit or change the photo at any time.
2. Birth and Death Dates
Foveo uses these dates, along with the name and photo of the deceased, to create a personalized banner at the top of the broadcast page. We encourage you to personalize every stream with this information.
3. The Obituary URL
When guests register for a live stream broadcast, Foveo automatically sends them a registration confirmation emails that includes their unique join link and an invitation to the Obituary Page on your website to sign the online Guest Book. If you haven't yet published the Obituary Page before booking the live stream, simply return to the list of streams and Edit your booking by adding the Obituary URL when you have it.
Important Note: Foveo automatically creates a personalized URL when a live stream is booked. That URL ending may be edited after a booking is made; however, changing that URL will require you and the family to ensure online guests receive the updated URL to re-register for the live stream.
4. Order of Service
Some families still go to great lengths to produce a beautiful printed program or "Order of Service" for their in-person guests to follow along and retain as a keepsake. You may also upload a copy of the Order of Service for online guests to access. It is a special way to help them feel even more included in the experience.
Once uploaded, the Order of Service is available on the memorial page, under the live stream player. It may be either opened in a new browser tab or downloaded.
1. To upload the Order of Service, go to "Streams" and find the Stream record you want to update and click on "Edit" (on the right side).
2. In the "Edit Stream" view, scroll to the bottom and click on the field next to "Order of Service." This will open a new File Explorer window where you can search for the desired file. Select it and click "open". Acceptable formats include .pdf and .doc . Note: Image files (i.e., .jpg, .png, etc.) will not be accepted.
3. Once the Order of Service file has been uploaded, click on "Save" in bottom right corner of the page.
5. Custom Memorial Page Banner Image
You may have a photo or theme image that could serve as a custom background image for the main banner of the memorial page. You can upload a "Memorial Page Banner Image" (see the image under item #2 above) to appear behind the photo of the deceased and their information.
If your funeral home has set a standard Memorial Page Banner Image, uploading a different image for a particular Stream will replace that standard image only for that particular stream.
Finally, a note about Notes in Foveo...
Please use the "Notes" field (just above the "Personalize" section) to share any special information about the live stream that you believe may be helpful to the Foveo care team member monitoring your live stream.