Four (4) hours is the time limit for uninterrupted live stream broadcasts and recordings.
1. The live stream broadcast will NOT end automatically at four hours. It will keep streaming.
2. The recording of any section of your broadcast that is longer than four hours, however, will be lost.
You do NOT have to end the broadcast for guests at four (4) hours
1. You can live stream for up to 8 hours.
2. To avoid losing the live stream recording, however, the live broadcast must be "paused" for five (5) minutes or longer (before you reach the 3 hour, 54 minutes mark). This will reset the 4-hour recording time limit and create a separate recording for the second portion of the broadcast.
3. For the reset to work, no transition video can be played during that pause in the broadcast.
Questions? Please send an email to
Emergency Recording Recovery
In some cases, it may be possible to recover the recording of a live stream broadcast that ran longer than four hours. However, the quality of the recording will not be High Definition and recovery is subject to a $350 fee.