EVERY TIME you live stream, you MUST activate the Music Note button (in the bottom right corner of your streaming camera screen). This will ensure the live audio gets streamed perfectly for online guests.
Even when you see the Music Note button already set to ON, toggle it OFF and then ON again to ensure the setting has been activated.
To verify whether it has been activated, play some music in the room you are streaming from. If you can hear the music clearly in your live camera preview (using DirectorView on another mobile device or by signing in to Foveo.App > Streams > List > [stream name] > Director), then you know the Music Note button has been successfully activated.
Want to know why you need to toggle the Music Note button?
The DirectorView™ app was built with Zoom Communications software because of its proven stability and reliability.
Zoom was originally developed for business meetings. To speed up its data transfer rates, Zoom chose to limit the amount of audio data it would transmit. It suppressed background noises and audio frequencies that were higher or lower than normal voice conversations. In effect, it suppressed most of the original sound being picked up by the microphone.
To allow for live music and event streaming, Zoom introduced Original Sound in early 2020 and gave users control to turn it ON or OFF. It requires a user to decide each time whether or not to enable the Original Sound feature.
Foveo, in turn, added a Music Note button to DirectorView™, so that all of the audio can be streamed every time in its crystal-clear, original format.
That's why the Music Note button is so important.