When creating a Stream, do not use special characters in the Decedent's name.
Using a "special character" (i.e., quotation marks, apostrophes, accented characters, etc.) can create live stream connection issues. Foveo.app will not allow you to Save a new live stream you are creating if there is a special character in the Name of the Deceased.
It's OKAY to use
Brackets/parentheses ( ( ) ), periods ( . ), commas ( , ),
hyphens ( - ). These characters will not affect the live stream connection process.
Quotation marks ( " ), apostrophes ( ' ), colons ( : ), semi-colons ( ; ), accented characters ( ä, é, ô, ç ), Chinese characters ( 码 ), Cyrillic characters ( Љ ), similar characters, or symbols ( / ), etc. in the Name of Deceased field.
Important: If it is necessary to use one or more special characters in a decedent's name, please Submit a Request or send an email to support@foveo.org. After the live broadcast is over, we would be able to update their name for you, so it can be shown in the preferred/correct manner on the Memorial Broadcast page.